NH Colla-Plus (collagen beauty drink) - Does it work?

I've always had an active interest in beauty products and stuff for hair, skin, nails, makeup... anything! However, I've never tried any beauty supplement drinks before.

I was at the Caring Pharmacy this evening and I saw this NH Colla-Plus, a new super-concentrated marine collagen beauty drink launched under the NH Beauty Series.

What is a collagen beauty drink?

"Besides piling layers of anti-aging products on your skin, collagen drinks could do just the trick of helping to pump in and make up for the loss of collagen in your skin," the retail pharmacist said.

When I heard that, it captured my attention instantly! Let's be honest, wrinkles are certainly not pleasant and you have no chance of avoiding them. Who would want wrinkles on their faces, dry and sagging skin? I don't, do you?

Fortunately, I haven't succumbed into a giant bag of wrinkles just YET. However, the best time to start anti-aging creams and potions is before you visibly need them.

Well, I haven't bought the NH Colla-Plus but I am very interested in it and I went to their site.
Formulated in Japan for Asians, NH Colla-Plus is using the latest spray dry technology to break down molecules for easier and effective absorption deep into the skin to strengthen skin foundation.

7 Uniqueness of NH Colla-Plus

* Japan formulation that is suitable for all skin types.
* Contains 5000 mg of marine collagen, natural Vitamin C and red grape juice concentrate.
* Contains 17 types of essential and non-essential amino acids to improve skin texture.
* Utilizes latest spray drying technology for fast visible results.
* High body absorption rate up to 99%.
* Consume one bottle every alternate day.
* Made from 100% all-natural ingredients with no added preservatives or additives.

7 Beauty Effects of NH Colla-Plus

* Strengthens and supports the skin's structure to improve skin tone and elasticity.
* Enhances moisture-holding capacity of skin cells.
* Nourishes skin to prevent ageing and smoothens fine line and wrinkles.
* Whitens skin and brightens a dull complexion.
* Promotes tissue regeneration to heal injured skin and scars.
* Accelerates metabolism to rejuvenate the skin.
* Revitalizes healthy hair and nails with a complete range of amino acids.

Highly recommended for

* Those who work in air-conditioned rooms
* Those with sluggish skin metabolism
* Post-delivery and lactating mothers
* Stressed individuals, people who sleep late and those who with unhealthy diets
* Those who suffer from wrinkles, sagging skin, dry skin, dull complexion, and other ageing skin problems

Has anyone tried NH Colla-Plus before? Does it really produce an anti-aging effect on your skin?

There are a few collagen drinks on the market nowadays. If you've tried one already, please let me know what you think!

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